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Google Sheets Pivot Tables for Beginners - Google Sheets Tutorial 2021

Welcome to today’s video. In today’s video, we are going to be going over what exactly Pivot Tables are and what they are used for. You can utilize Pivot Tables in various ways to increase productivity, organization and to quickly sort through large lists of data. In this video, I have taken data from the PGA Tour Website for all data with the top 125 players from 2015-2021. There is a lot of data here and in this video, we will demonstrate easy ways to get organized data quickly, we will also go over a Basic Pivot table that may be of more use. Let’s get started.

Firstly open up your sheet of choice, once you have all of your information in sheets, click on data and then Pivot Table. This will open a pop-up and ask for data range and if you want this in a new or existing sheet. Sometimes it will display the suggested data range here, if this isn’t shown here click on the box with a plus symbol in the middle, this is the data range. It will display the suggested range here. If you want a specific data range enter it on this line here. If you’re happy with the entire sheet click on suggested and press ok and then press create on a new sheet.

On the new sheet, this will display information in rows and columns. On the right side, this is your pivot table editor. Google sheets will populate suggested data that you may be interested in. You can click on some of these to test them out. Most of the time they don’t make a ton of sense for what you would be looking for. Let’s close these suggested items by pressing the x above each highlighted box under rows and columns. If you accidentally click out of the table range the table editor will disappear. You can simply click within the data range where rows and columns are highlighted like this.

Let’s try adding some information that you may be interested in. As columns are displayed horizontally across the top of the sheet, let’s add years to this. Under columns, click add and select year. The number of years is now displayed horizontally across the top. Next under the rows tab, let’s click on add and select player name. This will display every single player who has been in the top 125 in the last 6 years on tour. Next under the values section click on add again let's now select total strokes. This will display the total stroke each player had during the years they were in the top 125. If they weren’t in the top 125 they would not have any numbers displayed for that year. Let’s clear these and try something else.

In the rows section add AVG now also add the player name. Under the columns section add the year, you will also need to add AVG to the values section. This will display the lowest scoring averages in the last 5 years. As you can see here, Dustin Johnson had the lowest in 2018. Simply remove AVG from rows and this will display all of the years that players were in the top 125, any player who is missing from any year didn’t make the top 125.

Let’s go over another quick example here. I have added random sales reps and items sold within one week. This includes all of the reps, items they have sold and the amount for the purchase. Sorting through data this way is complicated. This is where we can quickly throw up a pivot table. Highlight all data, select data on the top menu and Pivot Table. We can now sort through sales reps and what items they have sold and exactly how much for each rep. Simply add the rep in the rows section. In columns, let’s add items sold. Values will be displayed in between this table in the empty section. Next under values select the amount. This will display all of the items sold by which sales rep and the total amount they have sold. It seems here that bill is the lowest seller and the lowest selling items are lizards and cars. This can be useful information to use. Add date to the rows section and you can also see the total amount of items sold by count. Simply right-click this icon to collapse the expanded view. Our best seller is Cat Food!

That’s it for today’s video, if you enjoy Pivot Table basics, we can expand this into more in-depth videos. Let me know in the comments below. Don’t forget to like, subscribe and turn notifications on so you never miss another video. See you in the next video and thanks for watching.

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